What Size Kettlebell Should I Get? | Kettlebell HIIT Guide

Kettlebell endurance workouts blend strength and cardio, offering a comprehensive boost to your heart health, muscle stamina, and general fitness. Top picks in this category are kettlebell swings, snatches, and Turkish get-ups.

Are you thinking about getting started with kettlebells? Awesome! But hold your horses—you’ve got to pick the right size kettlebell first. Choose wrongly, and you could either slack off or risk injury. Are you wondering how to find your match? Here’s a nutshell guide to steer you right.

Kettlebell Endurance Workouts: An Overview

Kettlebell HIIT workouts blend strength exercises and cardio to boost your heart health, muscle endurance, and overall fitness. Typically, these routines feature a mix of moves for a set number of reps or times. You usually lift moderate to heavy weights and catch only short pauses in between.

Here are some go-to kettlebell moves for stamina:

  • Kettlebell swings
  • Kettlebell snatches
  • Turkish get-ups
  • Kettlebell lunges
  • Kettlebell burpees

Don’t let the challenge scare you off; these workouts deliver. Looking for a full-body revamp? Kettlebell endurance sessions could be your ticket. Potential benefits you’ll reap:

If you’re new to the kettlebell game, start light and work your way up. Pay attention to your body, taking breaks as necessary.

With good form and solid technique, kettlebell endurance workouts can improve your fitness.

Weight Training Tools Similar To Kettlebell

Kettlebells are just one of many weight-training tools for building strength and muscle. 

Alternatives like sandbags offer unstable loads for functional training, medicine balls are great for plyometrics, dumbbells target specific muscles, and barbells are ideal for heavy compound lifts. Let’s compare them: 

Kettlebells vs. Sandbags

Kettlebells and sandbags pack a punch in the strength training arena, but they’re apples and oranges in some ways.

Made from cast iron or steel, kettlebells come with a set weight. They’re newbie-friendly and a cinch to store or lug around. That said, they’re limited when it comes to exercise variety. 

Sandbags, in contrast, are filled with sand or other materials, letting you tweak their weight. They offer more exercise options but can be a hassle to store or move. 

When push comes to shove, your decision hinges on your unique needs and tastes. Sandbags oppose to Kb’s give options for a wider range of exercises.

If you’re starting or want a no-fuss tool, kettlebells hit the mark. But if variety’s your game and you want more workout options, sandbags steal the spotlight.

Kettlebells vs. Medicine Ball

Kettlebells and medicine balls are handy for strength and conditioning, yet they’re as different as apples and oranges. 

Kettlebells, usually made from cast iron or steel, have an uneven weight distribution. This quirk ups the challenge and hones your balance and coordination. They shine in exercises requiring rotational moves, like the classic kettlebell swing.

Conversely, medicine balls are typically crafted from rubber or leather and have evenly distributed weight, making them user-friendly and ideal for beginners. You’ll mostly see them in exercises that involve a toss and catch, such as the medicine ball slam.

Ultimately, you can choose either kettlebell or medicine ball exercises to improve stamina and strength and for a healthier, fitter you. If you’re after a workout buddy that pushes your balance and coordination to new heights, a kettlebell’s the way to go. On the flip side, a medicine ball takes the cake if you want something more straightforward and user-friendly.

Kettlebell vs. Dumbbell

Kettlebells and dumbbells are solid picks for pumping up your strength and muscles, but they have unique perks. 

Kettlebells excel at boosting your balance, coordination, and core power; they’re a go-to for rotational moves like the kettlebell swing. 

On the other hand, dumbbells feature a straight handle and evenly distributed weight, making them beginner-friendly and great for precision-focused exercises like bicep curls. 

So, kettlebells are your match if you aim to challenge your core and coordination. But dumbbells are the ticket if you want something easier to handle, especially if you’re starting out.

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Kettlebell vs Barbells

Kettlebells and barbells serve similar purposes in strength training, yet they differ significantly. Kettlebells come with a curved handle and uneven weight distribution. 

Barbells feature a straight bar and evenly distributed weight, making them more user-friendly, especially for newcomers or precision-based exercises. Barbells can be harder to master but are often better for muscle gain.

Kettlebells are a solid choice if you aim to enhance balance, coordination, and core strength. For a more straightforward, easier-to-use equipment option, barbells are more fitting.

What Size Kettlebell Should I Get?

Choosing the right kettlebell depends on your fitness level, experience, and objectives. Before diving into heavier kettlebells, master the basic moves with lighter ones. Consult a certified trainer or kettlebell expert for personalized guidance on weight selection.

General kettlebell size recommendations:


  • Beginner: 8 kg (17 lbs) or 12 kg (26 lbs)
  • Intermediate: 12 kg (26 lbs) or 16 kg (35 lbs)
  • Advanced: 16 kg (35 lbs) or 20 kg (44 lbs)


  • Beginner: 12 kg (26 lbs) or 16 kg (35 lbs)
  • Intermediate: 16 kg (35 lbs) or 20 kg (44 lbs)
  • Advanced: 20 kg (44 lbs) or 24 kg (53 lbs)

Your goals also impact your kettlebell choice. Heavier weights are for strength building, while lighter ones suit cardiovascular improvement.

Always start with a manageable weight and upgrade as you get stronger. Consistency will help you lift heavier kettlebells and hit your fitness milestones.

Additional kettlebell selection tips:

  • Factor in your height and weight; taller and heavier individuals will require more weight.
  • Align your choice with your fitness aims; strength goals call for heavier weights, and cardio aims for lighter ones.
  • Listen to your body; the importance’s too much if you’re struggling.
  • Begin soft and ramp up the weight as your strength increases.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many kettlebells do I need?

The number of kettlebells that you need depends your fitness stage and what you aim to achieve. Newbies can often get by with just one kettlebell. Seasoned lifters? You're looking at a handful. A good rule of thumb is one kettlebell in the 8-12kg, 12-16kg, and 16-20kg ranges.

What weight kettlebell should a woman use for swings?

The ideal kettlebell weight for women doing swings varies based on fitness and aims. Something between 8-12kg works if you're a beginner. More seasoned? Try a 16-20kg kettlebell. Start with a weight you can manage easily and up the ante as you gain strength.

What the hell effect kettlebell?

After rocking a kettlebell workout, the "what the hell effect" is that awesome, pumped-up feeling. It's likely due to a burst of endorphins, those feel-good hormones that elevate your mood.

Why are kettlebells so expensive?

They're crafted from pricier materials like cast iron or steel and often get a hand-finished touch. Plus, their rising popularity has jacked up demand, making prices soar.

How do kettlebells around the world work?

This exercise is a multitasker: it works your core, back, arms, shoulders, and legs. Plus, it ups your balance and flexibility game. The drill? Swing that kettlebell in a full circle around yourself.

What are kettlebells made of?

They're usually crafted from either cast iron or steel. Cast iron packs more weight and durability, while steel is lighter and easier on the wallet but doesn't last as long.

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