Best Essential Oils For Varicose Veins Treatment

Varicose veins, also called spider veins, can be painful and uncomfortable, but you can treat them at home.

Among the many natural remedies available, essential oils are the most effective in removing blood clots and inflammation of the veins.

In this article, I would like to bring to you the best essential oils you can use to get rid of varicose and spider veins.

What Are Varicose Veins And Spider Veins?

Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins—usually blue or dark purple—on the legs. In most cases, they stem from chronic venous insufficiency. The appearance of varicose veins can be lumpy, bulging, or twisted.

“Spider veins are smaller, red, purple, and blue vessels that also twist and turn.”

The swelling and pain associated with varicose veins are more acute than with spider veins.

As we age, it is common to find jagged purple lines or swollen blueish cords across our legs. They can appear on any part of the body in some people in rare cases.

According to a rough estimate, up to 60% of people in the U.S. have clots in their veins. They are common, nearly a third of people in western societies have varicose veins, and they ever harm only a few.

Common symptoms of varicose veins are:

  • Swollen feet and ankles
  • heavy and painful legs
  • Discoloration and dry skin
  • Frequent muscle cramps in the legs
  • Throbbing or burning sensation on legs
  • Itchy and thin skin over the affected areas

What Causes Varicose Veins?

According to a report published by the University of Maryland Medical Center, “varicose veins develop when your veins stretch and their valves, which stop blood from flowing backward, do not work anymore.”

They occur because of the excessive pressure that is constantly exerted on blood vessels, when there isn’t smooth blood flow, blood pools and clots in an area of the body where blood vessels are under constant pressure.

Our legs, which carry the body’s entire weight, are most vulnerable to developing varicose veins.

The veins on the legs have to pump blood against the gravity of the heart. When there is excess pressure on the blood vessels in the legs, circulation becomes slow, which causes the pooling and clotting of blood. When this happens regularly, the veins become weak, large, and twisted; the veins turn purple or blue due to the lack of nutrients and oxygen pumped to the legs.

Normally, this condition is not dangerous, but it can become painful and cause a lot of discomfort to the body.

A few of the prominent reasons that lead to the development of spider veins are:

  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Blood clots
  • Injury or damage
  • Prolonged standing on legs
  • Lack of exercise and physical exertion
  • imbalance in hormones
  • Diets that lack healthy nutrition
  • Hereditary: genetically acquired from parents or grandparents

Treat Varicose Veins And Spider Veins With Essential Oils

Using EOs is effective for varicose vein treatments. There are a few EOs combinations that effectively cure varicose veins.

According to an in vitro study, essential oils may produce a cooling and cleansing effect, soothe itchy skin, and reduce swelling of blood vessels.

These oils have antispasmodic qualities that help inhibit muscle spasms, cramps, and muscle pulls.

Cypress oil is a proven natural remedy for relieving restless leg syndrome, a neurological situation that causes pulling, throbbing, and muscle spasms.

The use of essential oils stimulates blood flow and regulates blood clotting.

When the pressure in the blood vessels gets too high, blood can pool in the veins. Essential oils can help relieve this problem.

These natural oils contain nutrients and antioxidants that help strengthen the capillary walls of the blood vessels.

The antioxidant properties of EOs help remove the inflammation in blood vessels that blocks the smooth flow of blood.

Here are some of the best oils for venous disease:

Chamomile oil contains excellent anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent inflammation in the veins.

Cypress oil strengthens blood vessels, improves circulation, and regulates blood clotting.

Lemon oil contains astringent properties that help in the smooth flow of blood.

Lemongrass oil has analgesic properties that reduce pain and discomfort; its astringent elements regulate blood flow.

Rosemary oil relieves pain and muscle spasms, and its antioxidants remove and prevent inflammation in blood vessels.

Geranium oil boosts blood circulation and decreases unsightly swelling; it hydrates and loosens the skin over the varicose vein affected area.

Yarrow oil stimulates blood flow by removing blood pooling and clotting and reduces inflammation.

Ginger oil can help reduce prostaglandins, the pain-causing compound in varicose veins.

Horse chestnut oil stimulates venous circulation and strengthens the capillaries; it’s a popularly used treatment for varicose veins.

Helichrysum oil dissolves coagulated blood inside and outside veins, aids blood pressure balance, and improves heart health. Also, it enhances the condition of blood vessels by lowering inflammation.

Frankincense oil supports strong blood vessels and improves the smooth flow of blood.

Besides the above-mentioned essential oils for varicose veins, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, marjoram oil, and peppermint oil are also beneficial.

How To Use Essential Oils

EOs contain powerful natural properties that often cause discomfort and irritation to the skin and should not be diluted. It is good to dilute the essential oils with carrier oils like jojoba oilavocado oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, or coconut oil before applying them directly to the skin. The following are the most commonly used methods for this natural remedy for spider veins:

1. Massage

Add a few drops of EO to the required carrier oil and blend it correctly. Gently massage the oil mixture over the varicose vein-affected areas of the body and repeat the application twice or thrice a day.

2. Compress

Do a warm or cool compress over the affected area to increase blood circulation and decrease pain and inflammation. You can prepare a compress by soaking the compress cloth in warm or cold water. Apply a few drops of the essential oil mixture to the affected area after completing the compress.

3. Warm Foot Bath

A warm water foot bath with essential oils can relieve aching and swollen varicose veins and muscles. Take a big jar of hot water and add a few drops of the essential oil mixture. Allow the legs up to ankle level to remain soaked in this water for 20 minutes.

Different Essential Oil Blends for Spider Vein

Usually, the right combination of the various blends of EOs gives the best results in soothing varicose veins. You can use any combination of the best oils for your situation.

You can add up to 15 drops of EO to one ounce of carrier oil. Here are some of the popular EO blends for varicose veins.

Massage Oil Blend


  • 4 tsp carrier oil
  • 10 drops of neroli
  • 10 drops of geranium
  • 5 drops of cypress


  • Properly blend the essential oils with carrier oil in a glass bottle.
  • Apply 1 teaspoon of the blended oil on the affected area; repeat this twice daily.
  • Always massage the sides of the swollen veins in an upward motion.
  • Avoid rubbing the oil directly over the inflamed veins.
  • After a few minutes of massaging, keep the legs elevated for 20 minutes.

Warm or Cold Foot Bath Oil Blend


  • 3 drops of lavender
  • 3 drops of geranium
  • Two jars (wide enough to hold both feet)


  • Fill one jar with cold water and the other with warm water.
  • Add 3 drops of lavender to the cold water.
  • Add 3 drops of geranium to the hot water.
  • Keep both feet soaked in the cold water jar for the first five minutes.
  • Then soak both feet in the warm water jar for five minutes.
  • It is advisable to have an essential oil massage after bathing the feet in both cold and warm water.

Preventive Massage Oil Blend


  • 5 drops of peppermint oil,
  • 5 drops of lemon oil,
  • 10 drops of geranium oil,
  • 10 drops of cypress oil,
  • 2 tablespoons of carrier oil.


  • Properly blend the oils in a glass bowl.
  • Gently massage the oil blend in an upward motion on the legs.
  • Do not massage directly over the varicose veins.
  • Repeat the massage twice a day.
  • Wash the oil only after 30 minutes of the massage.

Yarrow Essential Oil Blend For Massage

Yarrow oil effectively stimulates blood circulation and removes blood pooling in the veins. The yarrow oil aids in the reduction of varicose vein swelling and appearance.


  • 4 drops of Yarrow oil,
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil or argon oil.


  • Properly blend the oils.
  • Massage the legs with the oil blend from the ankles in an upward motion.
  • Do not massage directly over the varicose veins.
  • Do this massage twice a day.
  • Wash the legs only after 30 minutes of massaging.
  • Keep the feet elevated for 20 minutes after the massage.

Oil Blends for Daytime Massage


  • 10 drops of geranium
  • 5 drops of hyssop
  • 15 drops of cypress
  • 2 tablespoons carrier oil


  • Blend the oils properly.
  • Massage the oil mixture into the legs, beginning at the ankles.
  • Do not massage the oil blend directly over the varicose veins.
  • Keep the legs elevated for better relief.

Oil Blends for Nighttime Massage


  • 30 drops of parsley,
  • 2 tablespoons carrier oil.


  • Massage the blended legs (shin and thigh).
  • Avoid massaging the EOs over the varicose vein.
  • Let the oil stay on the legs overnight.

Best Foods For Spider Vein

Poor nutrition and hormonal imbalance are the two main reasons for varicose veins. A well-balanced and nutritious daily diet is essential for naturally getting rid of inflamed veins.

Flax and Chia Seeds: The omega-3 fats and fiber in flax and chia seeds help improve veins’ strength and promote smooth blood flow.

Cayenne Pepper: The capsaicin properties in Cayenne pepper heat the body, which helps increase blood flow and remove blood clots.

Berries: The flavonoids and antioxidants in berries, such as blueberries and raspberries, strengthen the veins and eliminate inflammation.

High-fiber foods: They relieve constipation, which otherwise increases blood pressure. Make sure to include up to 50 grams of fiber-rich foods in your daily diet.

Avocado: The rich nutrients and antioxidant components in avocado protect the heart, arteries, and veins from oxidant damage and strengthen them.

Ginger: The natural ingredients in ginger can dissolve fibrin in blood vessels and improve the smooth flow of blood.

Vitamin E: Getting enough Vitamin E daily helps prevent blood clotting and pooling in varicose veins. The best natural sources of vitamin E are sunflower seeds, almonds, cruciferous vegetables, and other green leafy vegetables.

Buckwheat: It is one of the best natural sources of flavonoid rutin, which helps prevent blood clotting in varicose veins.

Asparagus: It helps to strengthen veins and capillaries.

Tips For Managing Varicose Veins

Healthy food and lifestyle habits are essential for preventing varicose or spider veins.

Here are a few important tips for preventing spider or varicose veins:

  • Avoid sitting with crossed legs to avoid exerting unwanted pressure on blood vessels.
  • Do not stand or walk for an extended period.
  • People with varicose veins could ease the pressure on their veins by sitting or lying down with their legs raised.
  • Use a body brush to massage the affected veins; this activates the veins and increases the blood flow.
  • Eat more anti-inflammatory foods such as ginger, blueberries, turmeric, olive oil, broccoli, kale, green tea, etc. When inflammation is taken care of in the blood vessels, blood flows more smoothly and doesn’t clot.
  • Do regular physical exercises to improve blood circulation.
  • Consume at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Eat a good amount of fiber-rich foods to avoid constipation and improve your metabolic rate.
  • Wear comfortable stockings that help improve blood circulation and reduce pressure on the veins.


Essential oils for varicose veins help alleviate discomfort and pain. It is advantageous to use essential oils, as they are effective natural remedies for spider veins with no side effects.

The natural properties of essential oils promote blood circulation and vascular health. Almost all of these oils effectively strengthen the capillary walls of the blood vessels.

To get the best result from essential oils, it is necessary to use them regularly for 3 to 6 months.

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